Latest news
November 22nd, 2023
A new version of KITe v3.0.0.8 is out!
- Improved automatic generation of PlayList (generation of TimeMarks).
- Improved generation of Browsable Slideshow (accurate setting of TimeMarks).
- Improved mux of Browsable Slideshows (smooth and accurate rewinding on Blu-ray player).
- Improved "Import BD" function: subtitles demux and import.
- Improved AVC video stream mux (higher bitrate in peak areas/sites).
- Optimized creation of PES subtitles from BDN_XML.
- Fixed false warning message for some cases of LFE flag for DTS HD.
- Added the ability to create Browsable Slideshow PlayList with different Clips.
- Improved drag'n'drop mode for Browsable Slideshow PlayList.
- Fixed an error when deleting MovieObject.
- Fixed time inaccuracy when creating Browsable Slideshow.
- Fixed Buffer Overflow error in very rare cases in AVC.
- Fixed video_format=0 to video_format=6 for 1088p resolution.
KITe Java:
- Number of animation groups and enter animations/actions increased to 20.
- Added Tools → Options → Interface → "Groups at left in animation lists".
- Added right click menu to the animation list in the animation edit window. Allows to set duration for all animations in list and replace values.
- Script functions added to the SWITCH condition list.
- DoStudio project import: fixed aliases for subtitle values, added support for bucket values.
- Added a warning if some values between the Root and Application certificates are identical.
- Now KITe Java activates the menu/movie in which an error occurred during compilation.
- Added Paste → "Add to existing (before/after)" in the Action Matrix. Converts the existing action to Multi-Action and adds new action to it.
- Added an ability to copy enter action for the menu by selecting its number and clicking copy in the action matrix.
- Added "Neon light" skin (for dark style).
- Added autosize for Action Matrix on action change (check Tools → Options → General → Action matrix).
- Added Project properties → Advanced → "Execute onSelect forcibly".
- Now using black dummy pre-encoded video if video was not found for the menu.
- Use baseline/middleline for text in project properties now used as default values (do not override these values for objects).
- Library is updated.
- Structure fully refactored. Added ability to move items and save positions.
- Added "Browsable audio" to the playlist properties. If specified, will create a browsable playlist.
- Added an ability to use custom playlist in menus (enable this feature in program options).
- Added alphabetical mode to the Autoassign transitions.
- Added Tools → Options → Tools → "External script editor" that allows to use an external script editor in the script edit window (a button in the script edit window).
- Added an ability to apply alpha for the transparency effect.
- Added Tools → Convert BDN.xml+PNG for HDR.
- Added an ability to change a delay for Numeric Select Scenes.
- VS 2012 Dark is now completely dark skin.
- Added an ability to specify offset for subtitles.
- Added Numeric select scenes script ("Project properties" → "Functions").
- Switch/MA: fixed colors, changed shortcuts (see help).
- Now using UTF-8 icons in log instead of notice/warning/error texts.
- isPIPFSon/isPIPFSoff fixed.
- Fixed baseline calculation for High DPI.
- Fixed project backup: saving subtitles from outside the project folder, added video of the wrong region and DoStudio subtitles.
- Fixed PSD import: auto-assign buttons, empty layers issue.
- Fixed issue with static images in the scenes menu generator.
- Fixed multiple JAR project loading.
- Fixed crash when movie group contains only virtual movies.
- Fixed text rendering.
- Fixed navigation arrows.
- In/out time fixed for playlists.
- Log flickering fixed.
- HDR conversion fixed.
- Wizards fixed.
- Subtitles preview fixed.
- High DPI fixes.
- Help updated.
May 12th, 2023
A new version of KITe v3.0 is out!
Added new features and checks. Significantly improved Drag&Drop capabilities, added additional BDN_XML subtitle checking, Playlist validation,
improved Dolby Vision Mux and much more. Read the full list below. We are still continuing our subscription program and our best support system.
IG Editor:
- Added autoroute links for buttons in menu (2 modes).
- Added validation for correct PageID order and numbers.
- Added BDCMF layout optimization for seampless playback.
- Improved BDCMF visualisation.
- Added validation for Dolby Vision PlayList.
- Added checking for the same video codec in PlayItems in one PlayList.
- Added Drag&Drop mode from Assets to Clips Tab.
- Added Drag&Drop mode directly from File explorer to Clips Tab.
- Added Drag&Drop mode from Assets to PlayLists Tab.
- Added Drag&Drop mode directly form File explorer ro PlayLists Tab (for video files only).
- Added option "Auto-Open last project" when start KITe.
- Automatic PlayList (SubPath and SubPlayItem) structure creation when generating DoVi PlayList for DoVi Clip.
- Added additional checking for correct language code between PlayItem STNTable and Clip streams.
- Added Asset preview using double click in Assets Tab.
- Added editing of Asset name directly in Assets Tab (select item and mouse click).
- Added editing of Clip name by mouse click in Clips Tab.
- Added editing of MovieObject and Title names in Tree by mouse click.
- Added ability to check and exclude unused assets from project.
- Added validation for X and Y values for BDN_XML.
- Added function "Shift chapters by time".
- Added function "Shift subtitles times" for BDN_XML.
KITe Java:
- Added support for several JARs.
- Angles added for playlists (you can use "Add angle" button in the playlist window).
- "Show menu after movie starts" added to the "Project properties" → "Advanced".
- Import PSD: added ability to apply opacity to image, reset opacity effect, skip invisible layers.
- User defined parameters: added arrays.
- All coordinates now displayed in left/top.
- Added region for simulation.
- Added ability to set spacing between letters for text.
- AudioPresentationType for MLP fixed.
- Added menu clips duplication to avoid CMF issues.
- Added project name/info and content provider data to the project settings.
- Fixed issue with clip order in CMF.
- Backup project: fixed copy SPI for slideshows and PNGs for BDN.xml.
- Added validation: each video in menu for single playlist should be longer than 3 seconds.
- Added number of play items validation for single playlist.
- Added manager.hideMenu() function.
- Added a window to confirm what to copy for the "Copy properties to all".
- Now saving all parameters for the text edit window (not only the color).
- Added target list for the "Copy properties to..." window.
- Added new Java function getChapterTimeByNumber(playlistId/movieName, chapterId) - returns chapter time in nanoseconds.
- Monospace fonts changed to Consolas.
- Added title search/visibility setting in the Project properties → Advanced.
- Added Action Every Second frequency setting in the Project properties → Advanced.
- Added "Save to Default" for JAR settings (a drop-down menu for the Save button).
- Disc size calculation updated.
- Visibility of button states (Normal/Selected/Activated/Current) now saved and restored after app restart.
- Added "Create timeline wizard" to the Auto-assign button drop-down menu (the third button from the right).
- Added functions to change mute and sound gain for PIP and primary audio.
- Added support for PIP EDL file (PIP metadata text file).
- Copy/paste in animations edit window.
- Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V for animations, actions, streams.
- JAR Settings added to the First Play / Top Menu actions.
- Added functions to work with bookmarks in the current playlist.
- Added "Just enable Interactive mode" for unchecked "Automatically calculate Key Interest Table" in JAR settings.
- Added "JAR settings" button in the Project properties and "On JAR startup" in the JAR settings.
- Added Tools → Video encoders - starts encoders UI.
- Added support for HDR subtitles.
- Added Project properties → Menu → Highlighting → Highlight chapters in popup for the current movie only - allows to highlight chapters not from the current movie if disabled.
- Project properties → Menu → Animation moved to the Advanced tab.
- Added "On update current" action for menu/popup. Called when menu updates the current state. Can be used for custom current states (show/hide current states).
- Added Project properties → Menu → Menu playlist → Single playlist - allows you to combine all menu videos in one playlist.
- Added Options → Interface → Properties right column width.
- Added File → Backup project.
- Added warning that multiple JARs required JAR signing.
- Added batch action to set JAR title for menu.
- Added validation for using "Current movie" in SWITCH in the main menu.
- OTTO fonts are allowed in rendering mode.
- Global high DPI fix.
- Bugfixes.
- Help updated.
February 24th, 2022
The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a special account to raise funds for the Ukrainian Army.
Anyone from any country can donate!
The account is multi-currency. It is opened for transfers of funds from international partners and donors, any person as well as from Ukrainian business and citizens.
For donations in USD:
Account: 400807238
383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
Account: 400807238
383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
For donations in GBP:
Bank of England, London
Account: 40000982
Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8AH, UK
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
Bank of England, London
Account: 40000982
Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8AH, UK
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
For donations in EUR:
Account: 5040040066
IBAN DE05504000005040040066
Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
Account: 5040040066
IBAN DE05504000005040040066
Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
Для зарахування коштів у національній валюті:
Банк: Національний банк України
МФО 300001
Рахунок № UA843000010000000047330992708
код ЄДРПОУ 00032106
Отримувач: Національний банк України
МФО 300001
Рахунок № UA843000010000000047330992708
код ЄДРПОУ 00032106
Отримувач: Національний банк України
June 4th, 2021
Dear customers!
A new version of KITe v2.8 has been released!
We are pleased to announce a significant price reduction -33% on our authoring product lines:
KITe UHD Authoring Suite, Blu-Disc Studio UHD (and Pro), and EasyBD UHD.
And that's not all the good news: we provide a 1-year subscription program for KITe! You can pay for the temporary use of KITe and then renew or
terminate the use of KITe depending on your needs and the current market situation.
- BD Wizard, added an option to the Options window
- Interactive menu validation
- Subtitles stream validation and mux (big pictures mux, blank pictures validation)
- BDCMF Unit: added visualization for files layout on the disc
- BDCMF Unit: added a special method for "Seamless" connection on the Layer Break
- Import Scenarist Projects: error in MovieObject order
- Min_display_luminance HEVC HDR field calculation
- Warning: "HDR10+ detection error: first GOP does not contain HDR10+ fields"
- Warning: "Palette referred by the palette_id_ref does not exist"
- Warning: "Structure of IES segment is not correct. Palettes are not found"
- Warning: "Subpicture image is blank"
- Multi-angle Mux mode: added flag "IsSeamlessAngle" to the PlayItem
KITe Java changes:
- Autoclose time/action replaced with Inactivity and added to the main menu
- "Action every second" added to the main menu
- The part of the Java engine responsible for disc events has been completely rewritten
- Dolby Vision playlist fix
- Project type verification
- Added ability to specify menu/movie color in the Project tree
- Project properties → Menu → "Play Movie / Jump Menu commands": added "Switch immediately" - to switch audio track immediately
- Project properties → Streams: added "Do not switch audio if already selected"
- Zoom in the designer now zooms to the mouse pointer position
- Ctrl + mouse wheel scrolls designer up/down, Shift + mouse wheel scrolls designer left/right
- Subtitles generation engine SRT → PNG have been re-written
- Added the ability to disable automatic restoration of default actions for interactive mode
- stopMovie added
- Text state edit window: added button for render text to image
- Project load optimized (30% faster)
- Added "Global text" flag to the text object state edit window
- PlayStation 3 memory limit warning added
- Project properties → Advanced → Optimize commands added
- Project properties → Advanced → Pack internal names added
- Project properties → Menu → Animation: now you can disable "Reset clipping"
- Import animated buttons from Scenarist PS Designer PSD file
- Added ability to move viewport
- Added Project properties → Advanced → Optimize objects
- Unused animations in scenes menu generator removed
- Added "I:" prefix for the menu in the PSD import - will skip the specified menu
- Added "STOP:" prefix for the menu in the PSD import of the extended BDS format - will stop the import
- PSD import (KITe format): layers with identical names now added as linked objects for button states
- PSD import: added support for opacity effect (imported as opacity effect)
- Subtitles generator: added support for SD video
- Bugfixes
November 10th, 2020
DVDLogic BD Wizard v1.0 released!
BD Wizard - is a simple Blu-ray and BD UHD (4k) creation software.
It is intended for quick and easy Blu-Ray creation for users without any professional knowledge.
Despite this, BD Wizard allows you to create menu with Scenes, Bonuses and different languages for Audio and Subtitles.
Try it and you will find that you never have seen such a powerful and easy-to-use BD authoring solution in Blu-ray history.
More info here.
HDR10+ mux function is now certified!
We are proud to announce that DVDLogic Software is now HDR10+ certified.
Many UHD Blu-rays produced by our software have been tested and officially confirmed to be 100% correct in HDR10+ mux.
You can find our logo at
August 1st, 2020
New version 2.6 of KITe UHD Authoring Suite released!
- WAV validation and log warnings
- PES stream validation and log warnings
- AC3 validation and auto-fix
- Auto-conversion of Java units v200/v300 according to the Mux mode
- Seamless mode for built-in File Splitter
- Accuracy of the clip properties in the Properties window, the accuracy of the clip duration according to the clip type
- UHD Blu-ray Mux
- Scenarist UHD Project import
- BDMV Import feature
- STNTable visualization
- Clip creation in UI
- Assets and Clip List tabs
- Selection modes for assets and clips
- Clip Editor
- Seamless Mux
- AVC and HEVC parsing
- Interactive menu Mux
- STN Table
- Secondary Video Mux
- PiP in BDCMF Unit
Another good news: we decided to extend the discount period! There is a 15% discount until the end of August.
July 1st, 2020
We continue the era of discounts: 20% until the end of July!
Dear friends!
Although our special sales period is over, we still want to help our customers survive these difficult times.
The good news is that we do not close the discount completely, but make it 20% and leave it for the next month - until the end of July.
In addition, everyone who contacted us during the 36.6% discount period has the opportunity to get a 36.6% discount.
April 9th, 2020
36,6 from DVDLogic: The biggest discount for the next 3 months!
Dear friends!
We hope that all is well and everyone stay at home during these times!
Good news from DVDLogic for anyone who wants to buy any of our products.
We offer unprecedented discounts of -36.6% on all our products and services for the next 3 months - until the end of June.
April 8th, 2020
Blu-Disc Studio 4.2 released.
- Fully 64-bit version.
- Extended structure window and compilation log.
- Added import of DoStudio projects.
- Added validations for signature settings, file name control characters, and color check for BDN+PNG.
- Updated script window: context menu, code formatter, line numbers.
- "New object" button extended.
- Added support for Layer Set in PSD import.
- Other optimizations and bugfixes.
April 26th, 2019
Good news from DVDLogic for the entire UHD authoring market - UHD goes to everyone!
Now we simplify UHD authoring and provide it to small studios and home users.
In accordance with numerous customer requests, we have released consumer-level software, and not even one
application, but two at the same time: EasyBD UHD and
Blu-Disc Studio UHD.
Now you can create UHD disks easier than ever!
Both applications are well known on the market, and now they provide the latest UHD Mux functionality.
These applications allow you to create menus, 4K and HDR videos.
Common BD formats such as AVC, M2V and VC1 are also supported.
As always, we provide a flexible payment system, online support and quick responds.
Upgrade pricing for owners of previous versions of EasyBD or Blu-Disc Studio MX Pro is 999 euros.
January, 2019
New version 2.4 of KITe UHD Authoring Suite released!
As the Blu-ray Association continues updating the BD Specification, so do we continue updating our
software to conform with the latest changes to Dolby Vision and HDR10+.
The latest KITe UHD v2.4 provided support for the most recent UHD BD specification updates:
- multiplex HDR10+ streams
- multiplex Dolby Vision™
Additionally, built-in tools like IG Editor, BD Wizard, Quick BD Menu and BDCMF generator were also
updated, plus we have made optimizations to our Muxing engine and KITe Java option as well.
KITe HDR10+ update - 1,000 EUR.
KITe Dolby Vision update - 4,000 EUR.
KITe UHD v2.x upgrade (from v1.x) - 1,000 EUR.
Please contact us if you wish to receive this upgrade.
March, 2018
KITe UHD Authoring Suite ver. 2.1 with improved Java & HDMV features now available!
Working meticulously during the past few months, we have managed to implement a considerable number of
customer requests and improvements to KITe's HDMV, Java authoring and Menu compilation applications.
The resulting "KITe Authoring Suite Ver. 2.1" represents a more optimized and efficient product, geared
towards stand-alone usage but equally capable of importing (BD-ReAuthor) diverse projects and discimages
created by 3rd-party UHD and BD authoring applications.
These efforts have enabled users to process some significant UHD title releases for the European and
Asian markets, which include "Valerian", "LaLa Land", "Hitman's Bodyguard" as well as the first European
Dolby Vision™ release "Saw Legacy", to name a few.

KITe ver. 2.1 additionally offers full support for:
- Dolby Vision™
- Remote Control colored button utilization for Pure Audio® UHD/Blu-ray
- Sophisticated Java and HDMV title creation
- Multi-format audio (Auro-3D®, DTS-HD, DTS:X, PCM/WAV, Dolby™ TrueHD, Atmos®, Dolby™ Digital)
- Browseable Slideshows
- Multi-format subtitles
November, 2017
DVDLogic has made unprecedented steps to support DoStudio users making the transition to KITe as comfortable and
smooth as possible.
Now you can open DoStudio project file directly in KITe Java!
We've released KITe UHD Authoring Suite v2 with several ultimate useful features like:
- Import of DoStudio projects (DSA EX, DSA Indie, DSA Hybrid (mixed), Java support and support of DoStudio (.dost) subtitle format)
- Improved Muxing engine
- Improved Seamless connection functions
- Improved user interface
Special services include 24-hour email response, flexible payment terms and user suggestions consideration list.
Amongst those scheduled are "4 steps for basic BD creation with menu", "Restore old and re-new it" and
"Simple Java menu creation".
May, 2017
Gain more benefit with KITe!
As the UHD market continues to grow and the list of titles made with KITe increases, so does the number of
improvements and handy features to KITe Authoring Suite continue to expand.
With the recent addition of KITE JAVA, customers now exercise options not available with HDMV, for example,
animated buttons with audio, full color graphics, conditional branching and access to numeric and colored
buttons on remote.
KITe's unique features is comprised of the following:
- Import BDMV
- Project Wizard
- Chapter Editor with preview
- Java menu unit
- Quick BD Menu wizard
- Import projects from other authoring tools
- Automatic Verification (3rd party BD Verifier required)
Special services include 24-hour email response, flexible payment terms and user suggestions consideration list.
Amongst those scheduled are "4 steps for basic BD creation with menu", "Restore old and re-new it" and
"Simple Java menu creation".
As a special offer during Summer 2017, current users of DoStudio can replace or upgrade their discontinued 2D/3D
licenses at the discount price of 4,500 Euros. We would like to say "Thank you", for your suggestions during the
past year and for your continued use of DVDLogic products. We are greatly encouraged and motivated by your
enthusiasm, so you can rest assured that rapid and constant development will continue on our part.
Yes indeed - UHD/4K BD lives here!
January, 2017
Shake off the Winter blues with KITe UHD!
Winter 2016 is almost behind us, and with it disappears much of the gloom and uncertainty concerning the future
of UHD. Many had predicted that the format was doomed to fail, however the increasing number software products,
televisions, UHD players plus titles available from video outlets throughout the US, Europe, UK and Amazon
indicate the opposite.
Since August 2016, participating studios have used KITe Authoring Suite to successfully produce more than 30x
titles. A partial list of these can be seen here ...
DVDLogic continues to enhance KITe Java and KITe HDMV with the recent implementation of a "BD/UHD Wizard",
providing a simple process which allows authoring professionals and enthusiasts to realize functional titles in
4-simple steps. The applications also provides complete AACS2 as well as CMF 1.0 support for single, double and
triple-layer UHD formats.
KITe Authoring Suite Ver. 1.5 is the perfect substitute or complement to competing authoring products.....
Several studios already benefit from its UHD/BD Re-author feature, which enables cross-platform support and
re-purposing of assets, disc images, templates and project structures, allowing for fast, intuitive, accurate
and effective realization of titles — irrespective of which tool was utilized in their original creation.
When others fall short, DVDLogic is there to provide support and satisfy the ever growing requirements of the
industry!! For more details, pricing and inquiries please visit our website or contact us directly.
December 1, 2016
December promotion available for all DVDLogic products!
Since the product launch in August, we've made significant advances by extending our install base to customers
across Germany, Italy, USA and Australia who are now benefitting from KITE UHD Authoring Suite's proprietary,
accurate, efficient BD and UHD workflow optimization functions. Utilizing KITe, they have successfully released
several high profile titles in all BD formats, namely BD-25, BD-50, UHD-66 and UHD-100 (in Standard &
High Dynamic Range), available from and video outlets. A list of replicated titles can be seen here...
With the recent addition of KITE JAVA, customers now exercise options not available with HDMV, for example,
animated buttons with audio, full color graphics, conditional branching and access to numeric and colored
buttons on remote.
Take advantage of our extended offer in effect during the entire month of December, when with every purchase you
will receive an additional complimentary product (of lesser or equal value), plus a copy of Cinema Craft Lite
- KITe UHD & BD Java Suite
- KITe UHD & BD HDMV Suite
- KITe UHD Java
- KITe BD Java
Don't miss out...
September 1, 2016
DVDLogic Software in collaboration with Silicon Philosophies are pleased to invite you to become acquainted with
our recently released, innovative UHD BD Authoring & HEVC encoding solutions during IBC 2016 exhibition
(Booth 5.B16), Amsterdam RAI from 9-13 Sept 2016.
Several major Hollywood and other releases have already been authored using our KITe UHD BD product,
replicated and available in stores and on Amazon. Feel free to email us in advance to make an appointment.
We look forward to personally answering all your questions and demonstrating the features of.
Feel free to email us in advance to make an appointment. We look forward to personally answering all your
questions and demonstrating the features of.
See you soon!
June 27th, 2016
KITe Beta Program nearing June 30 closing date! The past 3-months have been extremely grueling to our
development team, yet equally successful, thanks to the joint efforts and active participation of those who took
the opportunity, not only to join, but to evaluate KITe.
Their candid feedback and recommendations resulting from a hands-on approach, is greatly appreciated and enabled
us qualify, test and integrate all of the requests and features which now reside in KITe. As scheduled, we will
launch these features on KITe on July 1:
- UHD, 2D and 3D support
- Integrated HDMV menu module
- Integrated HDMV menu debugging
- Integrated BD-Demuxer module
- Java menu creation and support
- Seamless branching
- Multi-format, multi-channel audio support
- Multi-format video steam support
- Cross-Authoring platform import of ISO and BDMV projects
- Cutting Master generation for UHD, 2D and 3D titles
- Blu-ray Specification compliant output
- Modular feature deployment
- Integrated Help
- Qualified technical support, via email, remote access, etc.
Further enhancements are underway, which will be made available in upcoming releases.
We encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to acquire KITe and save 50% on orders placed by
June 30, 2016.
May, 2016
We are conducting Beta Testing activities for our UHD authoring application! DVDLogic Software in partnership
with Silicon Philosophies are proud to announce our newest multi-functional UHD BD authoring application, known
as KITe; empowering small to mid-sized companies to join this latest trend. KITe is based on our familiar
BD-Author 3D concept and user interface, but in addition, provides UHD functionalities.
March 11th, 2016
BD Author 3D v3.1 released! Improved BDCMF export, partial mux function, B-pyramides processing, seamless
branching, "Import BD" function, user interface. Free upgrades for all users who purchased the previous version.
January 26th, 2016
BD Author 3D v3.0 and EasyBD Authoring Studio v3.0 released! BDCMF export function added, completely remade
BD muxer generates 100% BD verifier compatible M2TS files suitable for all BD players, partial mux function,
B-pyramides processing, improved user interface.